The Birgit Rausing Centre for Medical Humanities has several ongoing educational assignments and is developing new courses at Lund University. We also engage in competence development initiatives for professionals in the healthcare sector.
Course initiatives for professional education
Competence development for the healthcare sector
Medical humanities in the medical programme
Since 2008, medical humanities has been included as an elective course at the medical programme at Lund University and as course elements and seminars in semesters 4, 6, 8 and 9. Medical students also have the opportunity to write essays and degree projects in medical humanities in semesters 5 and 10.
The medical programme (and our educational initiatives) are given in Swedish and information about both the course and the programme is only available in Swedish.
Information about the medical programme at Lund University (in Swedish)
Course initiatives for professional education
Recurring course elements based on comparative literature are included in the Psychology programme at Lund University. The Birgit Rausing Centre for Medical Humanities has also developed a pilot course module in conversation analysis at the Psychology Programme's semester 1.
Information about the psychology programme at Lund University (in Swedish)
Other courses related to medical humanities that our staff are involved in:
- The history of ideas of medicine (in Swedish)
- Literary perspectives on illness and death (in Swedish)
- The aesthetics of the crisis (in Swedish)
Competence development for healthcare
The Birgit Rausing Centre for Medical Humanities offers new perspectives and educational tools that can be of crucial importance for competence development in healthcare. We have a unique opportunity to contribute to high quality in training efforts for professionals, partly because we have relevant research literally at our doorstep and partly because several of our staff work in or very closely with healthcare organisations.
Information about our competence development for healthcare
Åsa Thormählen
Asa [dot] Thormahlen [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Asa[dot]Thormahlen[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)